Transition dates for our Preschool New Starters 2022:
28th June - Stay and Play session 9am to 10am
This is a session for children and their parents to spend some time playing in the nursery. Your child can get to know the EYFS staff and have a play in their new classroom and outdoor area with parents there to support them.
30th June - Stay and Play session 9am to 10am
This is a session for children and their parents to spend some time playing in the nursery. Your child can get to know the EYFS staff and have a play in their new classroom and outdoor area with parents there to support them.
7th July - Reception New Starter visits whole class group - 1pm to 3pm
This is a session for children to visit the nursery without their parents. They will spend the afternoon with Mrs Leech and the EYFS staff joining in with the current nursery children.
12th July - Teddy Bears Picnic - 1.30pm on the School Field
This is for all our EYFS new starters and our Nursery children with their families. Don't forget to bring your teddy bear!
2nd September - EYFS drop in session - 1pm to 3pm
The EYFS classrooms and outdoor area are open for a stay and play drop in session. All the EYFS staff will be there to greet you. Great way to start the new term. Children can play and get familiar with their surroundings ready for starting school on the following Monday.