Year 6 Homework Arrangements 2023
- Homework is set on a Friday for the following Friday using the Spag.com and Maths.co.uk websites.
- You must ensure you complete your homework each week and on time as it will not only support your learning this year, but it will help prepare you for high school.
Each week you will need to complete the following:
- Reading – 3 x 15 minutes per week minimum.
You should be taking books back and forth from school for this as there will be time when you can read in class too. This could be a book from home or a book from our school or class library. We will try to visit the school library once every week.
- Weekly Spelling. Spelling will be set weekly via Spelling Shed (see login details). A full list for Year 6 is also available on the year 6 web page. Spellings will be tested in class every Friday. If you are working on alternative spellings, a paper copy of these will also be provided in addition to Spelling Shed.
Typically, year 6 homework will use one of the following each week:
- Spag.com – see log in details. From time to time, I will set spelling, punctuation and grammar activities through spag.com. This will be linked to aspects of SPAG you have covered in KS2 and will help to prepare you for the SATs later in the year.
- Maths.co.uk - see login details. From time to time, I will set maths activities through maths.co.uk. This will be linked to aspects of maths you have covered in KS2 and will help to prepare you for the SATs later in the year.
Remember that homework will help you with our learning in class!
Mr S 😊